Friday, May 28, 2010

The loss of the gumboot

NO!!! QZ lost the gumboot!
It all happened on Friday afternoon when QManawatu aka L.C 12 challenged us to a game of Freakball. Of course QManawatu is very good at Freakball because they have practiced a lot. QZ was not.
The score was 22-8 to QM aka L.C.12
Here's what some QZealanders have to say
Kate - I cant believe that we lost the gumboot!
Corbin -I was very disappointed because QZ is the best class but we will win it back!
Libby - I feel sad that we lost the gumboot.
Nat - I feel sad. But we will win it back.
Ollie - I felt as angry as a gorilla. But we will win it back.( good simile Ollie!)
Sara - I felt annoyed that we lost the gum boot

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Reflection Competition

We are hosting another competition for you QZealanders.

The competition is a picture taking competition.

But there is a have to take a picture of a reflection!

It doesn't matter what the picture is taken of, but it has to be a reflection of something.

You can use puddles or mirror glass or anything you can get a reflection out of.
You have until the 17th of June to complete it.

Success Criteria:

  • It has to be a photo
  • It has to be a picture of a reflection
  • It has to be clear not blurred
  • Must be strange, mysterious, confusing or unusual
  • One entry per person only

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Business Advertisement**

Gidday People of QZealand
Market day is coming up.
Do you want your store to be advertised on the qz times?
Well send in your logos and little bit of writing about your business and we will put it on our news paper.


Just a piece of writing: s10
Just a logo: s10
Both: s15

So get in quick!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Diasater Strikes

DISASTER STRIKES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! people of Qzealand we have been robbed but don't worry, we think we know who it was. With some help from TC we caught Sara red handed.
We sneakily caught her when she was going for a reading test with TC. We are now going deeper into the case so keep a close eye on people you think look suspicious.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Doodling Competition**

Hi, QZealanders!
At the moment we have a doodling competition running.
It is starting today, the 13th May and will be finishing on the Thursday of week six.
It can be anything that you want to doodle.
One entry per person.
Size of paper is B5, which is half and A4 paper.
When finished please hand it into either Grace, Maddy or Harrison as they will be the judges for this competition.
1st prize is 100 snidges
2nd prize is 65 snidges
3rd prize 35 snidges

Success Criteria
  • Have bold, bright and beautiful colors
  • Put your personality into your work
  • Have detail in your doodle
  • Have none or hardly any white paper left
  • Put your name on it

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

QZealand's Got Talent

Lucy the Champion**

Yesterday, the 4th of May, Lucy Brunn won the QZ quiz using her very good sign language skills.
Everybody cheered as she made her way to the throne.
We could tell she was very, very excited that she won by her body language, smile and today she did not want to get off when Hannah won the quiz.
The news got round to most of the people at school and even now everybody is talking about it so........

Lucy on her well deserved throne