Sunday, April 10, 2016

Mrs Nelmes

Mrs Nelmes.

On Thursday we had a teacher teaching in our class until 11:00 to fill in for TC. Her name is Mrs Nelmes. She is really nice and a great teacher. She had a game for us which was really fun. I hope that Mrs Nelmes will be able to come and teach in our class again.

- Nadia Mabey.

Nana has a orange face!


Nana and I were in the car on the way to ballet in town.  I was looking out the window as we were silent, nobody was talking until...
Suddenly Nana screams out  “ LOOK AT MY FACE!’  I whipped my head around and …
HA HA AHA! Nana had bright orange lipstick all over her face!  “ I THOUGHT IT WAS LIPBALM!” Nana shouted out at the top of her lungs.  She was getting all frustrated because she couldn’t find anything to wipe it off with.  As soon as we arrived at ballet Nana had to get out of the car in the middle of town to see if there was something in boot to wipe her face with!


Sunday, April 3, 2016



It was Easter morning.  I jumped out of bed and had my Easter egg hunt.  When Lunch time came we went to my Nana’s house.  As soon as we arrived we were giving easter cards and presents.  Now it was Nan’s turn.  She opened the envelope from Nana and…
It was a Mother's day card.  HA HA HA everyone started laughing!  NANA IT’S EASTER!
That is only one of the hilarious things my Nana has done

- Emma Minshull

Epro 8

Maths comp at monrad (epro 8)

On thursday the 31st of march an intense problem solving/3d printed/Maths contest  is being held. Guess what! 8 riverdale pupils will be battling their EXTREME maths expertissim against 10 breathtaking  other teams of students! Here and now is when it gets serious all schools are determined to win, will it be riverdale or will we slip down and lose! Find out in a second news report on friday!

EPRO 8   update

Wow that challenge was awesome!  the whole experience was great, It was nothing like we thought, we thought it would be mathematical challenge involving division, multiplication, algebra, etc. but NO! It was kind of a building contest but also involved wires and buttons so it was kind of involving tech, also maths because everything had to be in the right angle to work. Anyway we all had so much fun,  we even got placed, boys got first place, and girls got sixth, because there were three second equals and one fifth.

By Hayley Hudson