Now have you ever seen how your sausage is made on lunch order day? Well if not here is how.
You drop off the envelope with money in at the office. They take all the envelopes to the ocean were there is a cannon. The cannon fires them half way across the ocean. Then they land in a life raft. On the life raft there is a catapult and two jet engines on the back. The raft jets across the ocean to KRAKATOA! (The scariest volcano in the world!)
The catapult then fires the envelopes out of the atmosphere. As the envelopes come back down they blast though the atmosphere and into KRAKATOA! Hmmmmm. How do the envelopes land exactly in KRAKATOA? Well Albert Eienstein tested it with the same raft. He used special dummy envelopes to mathematically test its used weight. His best friend Archimedes helped him get the correct weight and answers in his tests. Now back to the envelopes.
On a ledge inside KRAKATOA! There is a person from the P.T.A. who has a net to catch the envelopes. The P.T.A. member catches all the envelopes coming down, then calls the school and asks each person why they are buying a sausage. Why do they ask, some people may say? Well some people are just plain nosy!
The P.T.A member puts each of the envelopes on a conveyor belt. The conveyor belt takes the envelopes to a robot. The robot is very dumb! The robot is so dumb that he talks to the envelopes and asks them questions. Then he checks there is money in there and chucks a raw sausage for that person into the lava below.
By Callum. G
I have to say that you have been really mean, writing this story. You have caused a major pain in my stomach. I read this and I laughed and laughed until my tummy hurt! Is this all true? I think perhaps we should send a copy to the P.T.A. for verification.