Wednesday, July 28, 2010

More mysteries from Maddy

I've got some questions for you:

1: The Colliseum in Rome was famous for what?

2: What movie used a lot of scenery and buildings in Austria?
a. The Sound of Music
b. Anne of Green Gables
c. Spongebob Square Pants
d. Heidi

3: How tall is the Eiffel Tower in feet? Convert that to metres.

4: What is the city in Austria that we know as Vienna actually called, and how do the Austrians pronounce it?

There are six answers to get right for S50!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Maddy in Europe

I have attached some photos of the places we have seen and been.
See if you can figure out where the places are.
Anyway, we are off to Ireland today so probably won't email for about a week.

Ciao! Au revoir! Auf Wiedersehen! Arrivederci!
From Maddy

Brand new challenge for a S50 bonus. Correctly identify:
  • the city and country in the top picture
  • country in the bottom picture
  • language and meaning for each word/phrase in the last paragraph
  • That's a total of 11 answers to research correctly. No adult help please.

  • Bon chance.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Maddy's Magnificent Mind Mesmeriser

1: What are Dutch wooden shoes called in the Netherlands?
2: What country is Innsbruck in?
3: What is the name of the big bell in St Stephen's Tower located in London?
4: Do the people of Germany like to be called Barvarians or Germans first?
5: Which country does the currency of Franks apply to?
a. Scotland
b. Belgium
c. Switzerland
d. Italy
6: Is Venice North, South, East or West of Rome and what country is it in?

And the rules are:
You can't ask TC.
You can't ask any other adults.
You have to find it out yourself.
Everyone who gets them all correct will receive S30.00

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Zia conquers the basic facts ladder**

"Mastermind" Macdermid conquers the basic facts ladder! Now she can either help others or jump off. Victory!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Caleb's Personal Investigation

We have some videos and pictures to show you what he has done, He did his PI on "Can I learn Puff The Magic Dragon on the Saxophone in 2 weeks??" His answer was "Yes I achieved it and now I will play it for you". Kale volunteered to play on the Saxophone there are videos of him and Caleb playing. Well Done Caleb!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

End of Term

Time to clear out all the water bottles for the end of term... Luce has eight!!!!!