1: What are Dutch wooden shoes called in the Netherlands?
2: What country is Innsbruck in?
3: What is the name of the big bell in St Stephen's Tower located in London?
4: Do the people of Germany like to be called Barvarians or Germans first?
5: Which country does the currency of Franks apply to?
a. Scotland
b. Belgium
c. Switzerland
d. Italy
6: Is Venice North, South, East or West of Rome and what country is it in?
And the rules are:
You can't ask TC.
You can't ask any other adults.
You have to find it out yourself.
Everyone who gets them all correct will receive S30.00
WOW that really is hard. I was going to enter it but now that I actually read it its like OMG THATS HARD. oh and great use of alleteration.