Monday, July 26, 2010

Maddy's Magnificent Mind Mesmeriser

1: What are Dutch wooden shoes called in the Netherlands?
2: What country is Innsbruck in?
3: What is the name of the big bell in St Stephen's Tower located in London?
4: Do the people of Germany like to be called Barvarians or Germans first?
5: Which country does the currency of Franks apply to?
a. Scotland
b. Belgium
c. Switzerland
d. Italy
6: Is Venice North, South, East or West of Rome and what country is it in?

And the rules are:
You can't ask TC.
You can't ask any other adults.
You have to find it out yourself.
Everyone who gets them all correct will receive S30.00

1 comment:

  1. WOW that really is hard. I was going to enter it but now that I actually read it its like OMG THATS HARD. oh and great use of alleteration.
