Monday, May 11, 2015

What Do kids in LC8 have for breakfast and in their lunch?

I asked ten different people what hey had for breakfast. It was very interesting what I found out. Have a read.        Then I asked ten more kids what they had in their lunch and this was the result.

Nutrigrain - 2                                                            Sandwich - 8                 popcorn - 1  

Toast - 1                                                                    Apple - 5                      yogurt - 2

Cake Rust - 1                                                            muffin - 3                     Slice - 1

WeetBix - 4                                                              museli bar -  5

Cornflakes - 1                                                           banana - 3

Cocopops - 1                                                            Chips - 7

Eggs - 1                                                                    Kiwifruit - 2    
                                                                                 Wheelies - 3
                                                                                 Pears - 2

                                                                                Dried Apricot - 1

                                                                                Cookies - 3

These are all the things I found out about what people have for breakfast and what they have in their lunch.


  1. i never knew that so many people have chips

  2. wow i never knew that so many people have chips

  3. Hi Arihia.
    I rally liked the topic you chose. I now know what people had for breakfast or what they had for lunch.
    Next time you could name witch one is witch on the top.


  4. Well one Arihia you are the best you are always keeing Zealand fans up to date. So well done you are the best.

  5. What is the point of this post why do you want to know what people eat?

  6. Wow Arihia,

    This looks like it would have taken a while to set up so well dome.

    I love the way you keep Qzealands and qzealand fans up to date so well done.

    Maybe next time you could gave a bit more information if possible.


  7. Interesting topic Arihia.

    There is a lot of people that have un healthy foods for breakfast.

    Next time you could put them in groups of what is healthy and what's not.

