Breaking News there has been a horrible accident! Emz has BROKEN her foot, yes her foot. It all happened when LC 13 AKA QZealand went to the hall for a game of Multi-Sport for the Intergalactic Trophy. As Tee Cee called out Mini ball Emz ran as fast as she could to get the ball then Wiri knocked her over! "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" screamed Emz. Little did we know this scream was because Emz had broken not one not two but three bones in her foot and tore some tendons. So there you have it guys, the news about Emz's leg.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Breaking News!
Breaking News there has been a horrible accident! Emz has BROKEN her foot, yes her foot. It all happened when LC 13 AKA QZealand went to the hall for a game of Multi-Sport for the Intergalactic Trophy. As Tee Cee called out Mini ball Emz ran as fast as she could to get the ball then Wiri knocked her over! "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" screamed Emz. Little did we know this scream was because Emz had broken not one not two but three bones in her foot and tore some tendons. So there you have it guys, the news about Emz's leg.
Helping Samoa
In total with all the money we raised (included when we collected at the Athletics) is
$ 356.20
That's heaps!!!!
Monday, December 7, 2009
Callum's Writing Blog!
Oops almost forgot here is a link to the Blog! Writing Blog Callums.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Target retirement totals are:
One hour - S6,000
40 minutes - S4,000
20 minutes - S3,000
Your total snidges will come from what is in your bank account as well as your share of any business earnings.
People who are eligible will need to plan their retirement. You could play pool, play with sports gear, cards, plait your hair, play computer games, draw, solve world problems, knit. You could not make trouble, interfere with what others are doing, or create more world problems.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Where is the ghost?
What is a ghost? Is it the soul of someone who has died! Or a force of nature. We do not understand! Or do ghosts only exist in our minds? Hi this is Kelly and Paris speaking from Qzealand. We have a problem with a ghost apparently it has been knocking over chairs when people aren’t looking. Lots of boys in Qzealand think that the ghost is a boy because it usually strikes boys at exactly half past twelve. Funny isn’t it. We retaken that maybe the ghost died at half past twelve and likes to play tricks on people at this time. Human ghosts are terrifying enough. Now imagine a ghostly dog, eyes glowing red in the dark, ready to pounce. Watch out for those huge fangs! After hundreds of years of people seeing ghosts, know one has ever been able to really prove that they exist. What do you think?
"Hey Kelly do you have a watch. " "Yes." "Whats the time? " "It's half past twelve." "Oho." SMASH!!!!! a chair fell on the ground. "Sorry folks we better get going! Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
By: Kel and Paris.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
The weirdest day of my life!
It almost cut it off.
My pants fell down and went to town
And I ran to the shop.
A Tiger came past and I ran fast
And he went passing by.
I drank some coke.
I almost choked
So I thought that I could fly.
I saw a goose I ate a moose
And I went off to bed.
But in my bed I lost my head and died.
By Malachi!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
The winner of the singing comp is : %":%??%
work out this cool code to figure out the winner
9= h
<=p .=q ,=r "=s :=t ;=u +=v -=w _=x *=y @=z
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Weet bags
Lavender & Wheat , Wheat
SNAKES $7.00
Large $11.00
Medium $8.50
Small $5.00
Mini $1.00
We will be selling them at the market 7th November, 21st November and the 12th of December.
Ideal for Christmas Presents!!!
Made The way any good wheat bag is made!
For more Info Please Contact Brianna Bonnington-Mudford
Ph: 06 3558322 or Estelle Pasene Ph 06 3540929.
Brianna Bonnington-Mudford
Estelle Pasene
Monday, November 9, 2009
Injury To Invisible Creatures.
Today a violent case of abuse was said to Magical Birdy Wirdy (Callum's Creature) and Rainbow Coloured Teddy Bear (Daniel's Creature) . Offender Joshua Phillips said this. "Invisible creatures don't exist and are stupid" He also broke Magical Birdy Wirdy's wing just before a flight test so he had to postpone it and broke Rainbow Coloured Teddy Bear's leg during a difficult time for his owner Daniel. Daniel's Doozy (Rainbow Coloured Teddy Bear's best friend and Magical Birdy Wirdy's cousin) had a stomach bug. It has offended many other Invisible creatures around the globe like Rainbow Coloured Miley Corn, Rainbow Coloured Unicorn, Rainbow Coloured Spider Monkey, Magical turtle and many others. Joshua Phillips was sentenced to steps 1, 2 and 3. Daniel and Callum think it should be more serious like dropping a license level.
Callum. G
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
The attack of the Gelato Murdering Plants of DOOM!
Mal saw the gelato recipe on the bench. Then Mals brain workers began to turn the the "IDEA" cog. Mal picked up a bag of flour
Animated movie comp
It costs 5 snidges to enter; the winner wins 50 snidges !!!
Team entries cost 5 snidges per person e.g 4 people 20 snidges
Here are the criteria:
- Must be under 200 slides
- No violence
- All entries must be in by Friday the the 30th of October
- MUST have imagination
Monday, September 21, 2009
She's Back
Pic of Jack
After the crowd of people asked for autographs the two Turbo players left (I personally think that the crowd was a bit
off putting!).
Congrats /'^* !
The winner is /'^* !!!!
9= h
<=p .=q ,=r "=s :=t ;=u +=v -=w _=x *=y @=z
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Midnight for The Intergalactic Cup
Friday 11th September we played Midnight for the Intergalactic Cup. Wiri got Gold, Jack got Silver & Ollie got Bronze. There is a poll at the top of the QZealand Times so you can vote for who ever you think is the muddiest but only Jim and Andy (the bottom two) have entered so who will YOU vote for...
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Movie Advertisement In Invisible Land.
KABOOM! BANG! BOOM! Invisible Land has been destroyed and all Invisible Pets have been forced to move. A bunch of Invisible Pets unite and make a team to save their kind. This is the team. Rainbow Coloured Unicorn, Rainbow Coloured Teddy Bear, Rainbow Coloured Spider Monkey, Rainbow Coloured Miley Corn, Magical Birdy Wirdy , Magical Turtle and Invisible Invisible. Can they save their kind? Watch to find out.
Note: Invisible Land does not really blow up & it costs 15 Yites to visit the movie.
Rob The Goblin's Funny Story!
Once upon a time in a faraway land lived Nothing. Actually Something did live there but it was Nothing. It didn’t live on Anything either. One day Nothing went to Anything but Something was there so Nothing went away.
In Back To Front Land, Nothing came back. Something went back to Front. Front called Nothing, Nothing called Back. Front went with Nothing. Back was left with Right. Right went left. It found Left.
Problem Paula.
I am having trouble with my Odd Jobber job because I have no one that has applied for the job. Why won't anyone apply? Maybe you can help me.
Sad Loss
Sunday, September 6, 2009
QZealand Loses The Gumboot.
On the 4th of September LC11 challenged QZealand to a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors. It's a very much luck game which gave them a 50% chance of beating us.
They were 4 points ahead when QZealand caught up to them. Then LC11 got up to 6 points and time was up. QZealand had lost. M.U.C.E. College teacher Miss Kosh said, "Qzealand students had a good attitude and showed great sportsmanship even though they lost."
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Problem Paula
QZealand has got the Gumboot, but no one is challenging us. We all want someone to challenge us!
I would email the other classes teachers and tell them your situation. Suggest some games that you think would be good for you to play. Hopefully you will soon be challenged. Remember it does not have to be sport either. Hope this helps.
Problem Paula
Do you ever get problems? Well I have one and here it is.
"My friend *********** is really upset and gets mood swings
WHAT SHOULD I DO ????????????????
If your friend ********** is having mood swings then talk to her about it. She is obviously going though a hard time at the moment.
Hope this helps.
The Gumboot Trophy
There is a Silver trophy called the Silver Gumboot. LC 11 created the gumboot and LC 13 won the trophy after playing Ripper Bullrush. The classroom that has the gumboot has to be challenged but the classroom that has
the trophy can’t challenge others. It is only between Senior Skyscraper classes. LC13 is at the top and we have had the gumboot ever since it’s started. The Senior Skyscrapers have really good sportspeople. What an exciting competition it is going to be.
by KP
Invisible Friends!
The currency in Invisible Land is Yites pronounced (Yits) it costs 100 Yites to buy any invisible friend which you design. 1 Yites is worth $20.00 in New Zealand & s200 in QZealand. Ask Daniel or Ollie to buy one for you. Remember feed them at 6.45.5566.PM exact or something bad will happen. Remember give Dan or Ollie your Yites so you can buy one pet.
By: Callum.G
Problem Paula By: Anon
I am getting annoyed about the quiz because I get all the hard questions and other people get easy questions. I hope you can help.
A:Dear Anon
I understand this too because It has happened to me. For example I got a question like "What is the capital of Spain?" and someone else got a question like "What is the name of the red teletubby?" I would talk to your teacher because its not fair to give smarter people harder questions (or the other way around).
Hope this helps.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Google 4 Google Winners!
Story by Jazzy
Spike the Wonder Cat was a sweet, wonderful, curious and playful cat. But oh, what a lot of work! He would begin each morning by waking us up for breakfast. Thoughtful of him, but his technique was unique. He could have purred us awake or licked our noses with his rough little tongue, in fact, he should have done that. But instead he would climb up onto Mum & Dad’s headboard, crouch and summon all of his energy and power and then within a blink of an eye he had already done a humongous body slam landing *SPLAT* in the middle of our chests almost giving us a heart attack! This was cruel but effective.
As a kitten his mornings were spent climbing curtains and then crying repeatedly when he got stuck at the top until he was rescued and lifted safely down to ground level again. This would happen three or four times before he got bored, or Mum’s threats were listened to.
۞ ۞ ۞
At lunch time he went down the road to a large old house where a group of students he’d made friends with lived. They always had takeaways lying around on the front porch. Spike could often be seen pigging-out when their backs were turned or they went inside. Once he came home with a big patch of dirt stuck in the fur on the top of his head. We guess it was thrown at him as a reminder to ask before stuffing his face.
۞ ۞ ۞
Actually most of his day was spent in search of food. He could sit for hours on the back fence staring onto the neighbour's kitchen-often freaking out and causing them to roll down their blind. The only thing that could drive him away from this task was when he heard our fridge door open. You had to plan what you wanted to get out beforehand because he would ZOOM into the kitchen as fast as a jackrabbit on the highway and steal a mushroom or anything else within reach. You had to be quick to block him with your feet, but this didn’t always work as he was a very determined cat.
۞ ۞ ۞
He was (of cause) a very calm and stubborn cat that wasn’t easily surprised. Mum often had to pick him up and move him from the driveway so that her friends could leave in their cars. Strong hoots from the cars were absolutely and completely ignored. He could have just listened to powerful and threatening hoots of the cars, but, instead decided to be just plain thick and be a nuisance instead. We’d also often heard cars hooting abuse on the road when he wouldn’t budge. Being a dark grey road-coloured cat, he was lucky to be seen at all!
۞ ۞ ۞
Maybe he wasn’t stubborn, just plain thick, as he never did work out glass. If he saw a bird outside (even a bird cage) he would run like lightning through the lounge and living room and smash head first into the glass doors possibly crushing more brain cells.
۞ ۞ ۞
It was a good thing that we loved him, because I don’t think anyone else would’ve put up with him.
Stupid Rainbow Coloured Things?
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Story by callum
Now have you ever seen how your sausage is made on lunch order day? Well if not here is how.
You drop off the envelope with money in at the office. They take all the envelopes to the ocean were there is a cannon. The cannon fires them half way across the ocean. Then they land in a life raft. On the life raft there is a catapult and two jet engines on the back. The raft jets across the ocean to KRAKATOA! (The scariest volcano in the world!)
The catapult then fires the envelopes out of the atmosphere. As the envelopes come back down they blast though the atmosphere and into KRAKATOA! Hmmmmm. How do the envelopes land exactly in KRAKATOA? Well Albert Eienstein tested it with the same raft. He used special dummy envelopes to mathematically test its used weight. His best friend Archimedes helped him get the correct weight and answers in his tests. Now back to the envelopes.
On a ledge inside KRAKATOA! There is a person from the P.T.A. who has a net to catch the envelopes. The P.T.A. member catches all the envelopes coming down, then calls the school and asks each person why they are buying a sausage. Why do they ask, some people may say? Well some people are just plain nosy!
The P.T.A member puts each of the envelopes on a conveyor belt. The conveyor belt takes the envelopes to a robot. The robot is very dumb! The robot is so dumb that he talks to the envelopes and asks them questions. Then he checks there is money in there and chucks a raw sausage for that person into the lava below.
By Callum. G
Trip To Wallys Lollies
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Advetising Blogs.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Here is the link
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Problem Paula
A: Well there is not much you can do. If they do not stop fighting when you tell them to stop then tell someone you trust. I know its not a good feeling when your friends fight .
Hope this helps.
A: I know you now have more accountants but....... you may not really have more breaks. If the bank gets busy there will need to be more staff on but I hope for your sake it does not get too busy.
Make an advertisement maybe??
Hope this helps.
Piggity Wiggity
As you may know Piggity Wiggity Jiggity-Jig has been a part of Room 13 for the last few years. Diana Neild, the writer has had four of her kids come through our class. Diana is now finishing her third book, 'Piggity Wiggity and the School Concert".
By Oliver
As you all know our class in entered in the "Doodle for Google" competition. This year's theme is about new Zealand, so most of us changed the Google letters to Ferns, Gumboots and Maori designs.
We are really hope that we do well beacause we can win totally cool prizes such as :
- The winning doodle will be hosted on Google New Zealand’s homepage at for 24 hours
- $10,000 worth of technology equipment for their school in addition to the interactive white board that they receive as a national age group winner

This week we have a Building competition. You can enter on Friday 14 August. You have to build a New Zealand building. Your building must be complete by Friday the 21st of August. The winner will win 50 SNIDGES!!
It costs only 2 snidges to enter.
- You must hand in your entries in by lunch time on Friday the 24th
- Nothing living must be harmed in the making of your building.
- Feel free to work in a group but the bigger the group the fewer snidges you'll win per person.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
One CRAZY teacher by the name of..............
Please find this CRAZY teacher - he/she owns a country
More clues next week
Clues set 2 (for you people that are still having trouble)
Hold on.............
Who knows it???
Comment please if you know
Every one has had this teacher before, maybe.
He/She uses technology A LOT
More clues next time
Clues set 3
He/She Is not competitive but likes to win.
hope this helps
Thursday, August 6, 2009
What should I do for Q zealanders??? (please comment)
The challenge is to dare me to do CRAZY things, and I will try to do as much as I can.
Wish me luck!!!
Lolly design
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Dear Ed
If you have any thing you want to tell us gmail us at
Here are the letters/emails
Thanks so much From Maddie
Thanks Maddie we did too
here is a really good one
Dear Ed.
I think we may possibly have the best class in the entire history of the universe. We have amazing kids who are really, really independent when it comes to learning, great writers, super Mathematicians, strong leaders, outstanding sports people, talented singers, top artists and clever actors . Watch the news pages of the future to see Q Zealanders achieving in all areas.
A Not Very Biased, But Very Proud Teacher
wow a very proud teacher!!!
We think so gaboo
Don't forget we still need YOUR emails!!!
The Ed!
Problem Paula
Dear Problem PaulaI have a problem, problem Paula. My problem is that business sugar tax has gone up to 70% in the last week so if your business makes S-100 you would only get S-30.A: Sorry ???!!???
I do not think I can help you with this. If you think this is unfair you should talk to your teacher and work something out.
Hope this helps.
Q:Dear Problem Paula
I have a big problem.**** keeps beating me in pool!
do you have any tips for me and all the others who get beaten by ****?
A: There is not much I can do but say that **** I good at this game. He is good because he practices so all you need to do is practice and in no time you will be beating ****.
Hope this helps.
Q: The payroll staff is a huge problem!! They do some peoples' but not others. They always should check their work.
A: Well if they have put the wrong amount of snidges more than twice then tell TC if they SHOULD BE FIRED!!
Hope this helps
Q:Dear Problem Paula
my friends are having a fight over something really small. I was trying to help my friends when one of them punched the other, its really annoying.
New Class (Building Stage 2)

By this time everyone was wondering when the class would be finished. The sound of drills and machinery was getting on our nerves (I think I'm slightly deafened). All of the trucks coming and going was making it really hard to concentrate. It rained a lot of the time so that slowed the whole process up.
By Erin(fection) L'Huillier Millar
Monday, August 3, 2009
Jim's worms :-P

He wanted to save them as you can see.

Friday, July 31, 2009
New class (Finshed)
By Erin(fection) L'Huillier Millar
Thursday, July 30, 2009
The new class (building stage 1)
Brand new online blog
This is the brand new online Q Zealand Times newspaper. It's online so you have to pay to subscribe to this blog. We hope you enjoy it.