Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A bit of both

OK. Do you want the good news or the bad news first? Well I'm just going to give you the good news.

All the Year Fives who were in LC13 in 2010 are in LC13 in 2011!!!...... Now for the bad news:

All our friends and the well known Year Sixes are leaving Riverdale and moving on to Intermediate.

I hope you enjoy your life as Year 6 and 7's in 2011.

Bye QZealand

Hi QZ! I miss you already. Wish I could stay for another year!! TC, you're the best teacher I've ever had. Keep reminding Mr McNaught to keep practising his pirouettes. Thanks for the best year I've had in my whole Riverdale life. Farewell QZealand, but not for good.
Love, Libby (Sour Cream)

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Te Puawai Hangi Being Lit

The Hangi has been officially lit by our kaias Caelum, Corbin and Connor. We are all very excited about the Te Puawai concert tonight, and especially afterwards when we get to eat the food from the hangi! YUM YUM! Well done boys! A great hangi lighting. Have a great night tonight at the concert. WELL DONE AND GOOD LUCK!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

QZ Times Update

As you can see the QZealand Times got a new style. The old one was getting a bit boring so it got changed to something that related to our class. It has the four suits, (Clubs, Hearts, Spades, Diamonds) probably because of the Quiz and that the other things we do with our groups. Well we didn't want to make it fluffy bunnies or anything like that because bunnies have nothing to do with QZealand. Well I hope everyone likes it.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


A paragraph is a space where the reader can stare into blankness and absorb what has been written.

A paragraph is like a hotel. A place where you can stop and think.

Although blank, staring into a paragraph can really help with concentration.

TC will love this story because TC likes paragraphs. TC tells me to paragraph.

At a paragraph you can give your brain a rest. You can imagine the charecters. The scene. The plot.

When you stop at a paragraph you can fix the story with your imagination so that it suits you.

At a paragraph you can do anything. Think anything.

A paragraph is like an imaginary world waiting to be stylised.

The End

The gumboot

Room 12 is challenging us to a game for the gumboot - the colourful colourful gumboot.
Maddy, Luce and Zia were the girls who won back the gumboot.

The gumboot was started by Mrs Kenyon. Nancy Won a.k.a 'the Nancinator' decorated it so magnificently.