Sunday, March 22, 2015

What is an E-portfolio post

Well an eportfolio post is a task which  you take a photo of any of the work you have done, post it on your blogger, write what was good about it and what you need to work on. Then print it off and you have a tick in sdl.

Step one: Take a photo of any                           Step two: Write something
piece of work on your blogger.                          good and what you need to work on.   

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Blake's helpers

ATTENTION! Everyone that has been giving tasks to Blake listen in. Some of you have been forgetting to give him tasks and he is walking around for ages.  If it is your week remember to give him tasks.  You guys should not need to be reminded every time.  If Blake finishes his work he is aloud to wander for around five minutes.  Keep an eye on the time.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Crossword Puzzle Help

If you are doing your SDL and you want two points to get a merit then listen in. If you are wanting to do a crossword and you just have no idea ask me. I love doing crosswords and I will give you the exact help you need to be on your way to being the best at crosswords. You may think they are tricky and boring but once you do it you will be dying to do more. They are really fun and good for the brain. So give me a yell saying "UNICORN".


Sunday, March 1, 2015

Bringing Your Diary to School

You have to bring your diary to school. Firstly because you will need those ten sings every day so you have a lot of snidges for quiddage. Also you will not know what Sdl tasks you have done.

Secondly because you won't get sings at the end of the week and you will have to do your work in your breaks instead of playing with your friends.

Thirdly when you do your reading get your parents signature then put it straight into your bag so that you will not forget it.

 These are reasons why you should try to remember your diary. Please pay attention.