Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Workaholics Tidy Up

On Monday the Workaholics talked to the class and changed the rule of using stationery.  We changed the rule because we were losing so much stationery.  I will explain the rule so you don't forget.  So when you want to get 1 or more pieces of stationery you take away 200 snidges from your board total.  Once you are finished using the stationery, you tell Arnaka, Cameron or Hannah that you are returning the stationery, then put your 200 snidges back.

On Monday the Workaholics also asked for a huge tote tray clean up.  We had only 49 items of stationery left and then after the tote tray tidy up we had found 50 items of stationery so now we have most of our stationery back.  Just remember that if you lose you stationery or break it you won't get your 200 snidges back.

A message from your Prime Minister
Hannah Collier

Monday, November 24, 2014

Unhealthy QZealander Breakfasts

Arnaka and I agreed that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.  But what if QZealanders aren’t having as healthy a meal as they should be?  We have made a chart to tell how well QZealanders are eating.

Wheat Bix
Coco Pops
Nutri Grain
Cup O’ Tea
Honey Puffs

We learnt that most QZealanders are eating unhealthy breakfasts and some nothing :/ Get healthy KIDS!

By Arnaka and Faith

Sunday, November 23, 2014


Athletics was a blast. People were cheering on other people. Some people think it is boring. But why? There is nothing to hate or dislike about it. You get to earn house points and if you are lucky your house might win which would be awesome.  I mean a trophy that is just awesome. So come on guys start enjoying athletics and maybe you will be in inter schools.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Mushroom Land Art

While T.C was away... QZealander's made some FABULOUS, Mushroom Land Art. The teacher that we had was... Mrs. Mabey! Here are some of the examples of the art we did =:3




By Sammie and Arnaka

Sunday, November 16, 2014


You need to return your Workaholics stationery once your finished using them.  Warning, we are near running out of blue pens so return them and take good care always you might end up with NO stationery by the end of the year.

Ara Uenuku

Yay we have Ara Uenuku. A great place to read books and do your work in peace but if you yap away you will get kicked out and dropped an independence level and that will not be good. So instead of getting distracted by people talking to you and you not getting enough sdl done get to Ara Uenuku and I bet you could have all of your Excellences by the end of the week. So come on guys make the right decision and you will retire at the end of the year.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014


A few days ago T.C. was hurt on her motorbike while coming out of her driveway.  She has hurt her elbow and her calf muscle.  She has been in a little bit of pain.  So if she drops something we should pick it up.  If she needs help walking we will help her and all be very nice to her and just hope that she gets better soon.

Get better soon T.C 
Gemma and Arihia

Sunday, November 9, 2014

WANTED-Workaholics stationery

We have three red pens missing and we are missing five blue pens missing and three black pens missing.  This is very annoying because now the Workaholics have to try and find these missing items. We have one missing ruler and six pencils missing and one rubber.

Please return the stationery when you have finished using them.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Halloween Famous QZealanders Interviews

King George:

"So King George, On Halloween Night did you go trick or treating?"
"No Ma'am
"What did you do instead?"
"Um... I watched Dracula"
"What did you eat for Dinner?"
" Umm I ate Pigs on Toast with raw cow meat"
"OK wow, Did you see anyone from your kingdom?"
"I saw my soldiers and um they came and arrested a person called Sam"
"Ok and did you enjoy Halloween?"

Morgan Freewoman:

"On Halloween Night did you go trick or treating?"
"I guess so"
"Ok and did you get much candy?"
"What did you have for dinner?"
"Butter chicken with chicken eyes on raw fish with rotten cow meat."
"Did you see anyone you knew?"
"Good old Arihia dressed up as a farmer And Arnaka as a panda."
"Did you enjoy Halloween?"
"Yeah I enjoyed being spooky for a night."

Grandpa George:

"So on Halloween did you go trick or treating?"
"What is Halloween?"
"What did you do on Friday Night?"
"I threw pens across the room."
"What did you have for dinner?"
"Have you asked me this before?"
"Did you see anyone you knew from your retirement home?"
"Umm, My brother he is older than me."
"Ok, Did you enjoy Halloween night?"
"Yes I got lollies at my retirement home."

Grandma Louise:

"Did you go trick or treating on Halloween Night?"
"What  did you do instead?"
"I ate Hamburgers and watched spooky movies"
"What was for dinner?"
"Hamburgers and Ice cream."
"Did you see people you knew trick or treating?"
"I did not"
"Did you enjoy Halloween?"
"It was boring so no."

By Faith and Arnaka