Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Advetising Blogs.

Some of the businesses in QZealand now have blogs. It only costs $15 Snidges to have a link from the QZealand Times to your blog. Here are some of the blog links.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


We now have a new blog for the Intergalactic Cup.
Here is the link

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Problem Paula

Q: Dear PP
I am starting to get rather annoyed when my friends are fighting and arguing. I feel horrible and guilty when I never am. What should I do?

A: Well there is not much you can do. If they do not stop fighting when you tell them to stop then tell someone you trust. I know its not a good feeling when your friends fight .
Hope this helps.

Q: Dear Problem Paula
We need more accountants because Malachi and I always get only 10 minutes of shopping on market days because one of us has to go in the bank to supervise the other accountants.
Every Friday the bank gets really hard so please help. We really need more accountants.

A: I know you now have more accountants but....... you may not really have more breaks. If the bank gets busy there will need to be more staff on but I hope for your sake it does not get too busy.
Make an advertisement maybe??
Hope this helps.


Piggity Wiggity

As you may know Piggity Wiggity Jiggity-Jig has been a part of Room 13 for the last few years. Diana Neild, the writer has had four of her kids come through our class. Diana is now finishing her third book, 'Piggity Wiggity and the School Concert".

By Oliver

As you all know our class in entered in the "Doodle for Google" competition. This year's theme is about new Zealand, so most of us changed the Google letters to Ferns, Gumboots and Maori designs.
We are really hope that we do well beacause we can win totally cool prizes such as :
  • The winning doodle will be hosted on Google New Zealand’s homepage at for 24 hours
  • $10,000 worth of technology equipment for their school in addition to the interactive white board that they receive as a national age group winner
We really hope we'll win!!


This week we have a Building competition. You can enter on Friday 14 August. You have to build a New Zealand building. Your building must be complete by Friday the 21st of August. The winner will win 50 SNIDGES!!
It costs only 2 snidges to enter.

  • You must hand in your entries in by lunch time on Friday the 24th
  • Nothing living must be harmed in the making of your building.
  • Feel free to work in a group but the bigger the group the fewer snidges you'll win per person.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


One CRAZY teacher by the name of..............
Please find this CRAZY teacher - he/she owns a country

More clues next week

Clues set 2 (for you people that are still having trouble)
Hold on.............
Who knows it???
Comment please if you know
Every one has had this teacher before, maybe.
He/She uses technology A LOT
More clues next time

Clues set 3

He/She Is not competitive but likes to win.

hope this helps

Thursday, August 6, 2009

What should I do for Q zealanders??? (please comment)

Hi it's Hannah here. Please comment on this part even while I'm overseas. I will be checking the blogs as much as possible while I'm not here. I will try to do as much as I can while I'm away.

The challenge is to dare me to do CRAZY things, and I will try to do as much as I can.

Wish me luck!!!

Lolly design

In QZealand we have been watching videos on how different foods are made and we watched a video on how hard lollies are made. Then we designed our own lollies. Many of them had flavours including orange, raspberry and banana.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Interglatic Cup Results!

Ooh its a tough fight but in first place is
OZ is second, tied with NZ
and in fourth place - UK

Dear Ed

Hi this part of qz.times blog is "letters to the editor"
If you have any thing you want to tell us gmail us at

Here are the letters/emails

Dear Ed
I really enjoyed the Piggity Party.
I really like knowing Diana beacause she involves us in everything to do with the Piggity book

Thanks so much From Maddie

Thanks Maddie we did too

Dear Ed
The challenges are brilliant but there should be more challenges to make it harder. There has to be a bit of competition.
Some people dont want the boot because it smells.


here is a really good one

Dear editor.
Can people please apply for mr/mrs clean it or odd jobber because I am one and some jobs are really hard to do by yourself!

Dear Editor,
I love my job as being police. It is just like being the people who solved problems.
But there is still no police cheif.
Yours Sincerly,

Dear editor.
I think that there should be a Piggity wiggity book were piggity wins a holiday to Qzealand with Bruce and his Mum! But back at home theres a disaster!

Dear Ed.
I think we may possibly have the best class in the entire history of the universe. We have amazing kids who are really, really independent when it comes to learning, great writers, super Mathematicians, strong leaders, outstanding sports people, talented singers, top artists and clever actors . Watch the news pages of the future to see Q Zealanders achieving in all areas.

A Not Very Biased, But Very Proud Teacher

wow a very proud teacher!!!

Dear Editor
Qzealand has the gumboot. But nobody's challenging us. And all the challenges so far have been quite easy.
From gaboo

We think so gaboo

So that's this times Dear Ed section. Tune in next time for more.
Don't forget we still need YOUR emails!!!
The Ed!

Problem Paula

Hi this is Problem Paula here. I'm here to help you solve your problems.

Dear Problem Paula
I have a problem, problem Paula. My problem is that business sugar tax has gone up to 70% in the last week so if your business makes S-100 you would only get S-30.

A: Sorry ???!!???
I do not think I can help you with this. If you think this is unfair you should talk to your teacher and work something out.
Hope this helps.

Q:Dear Problem Paula
I have a big problem.**** keeps beating me in pool!
do you have any tips for me and all the others who get beaten by ****?

A: There is not much I can do but say that **** I good at this game. He is good because he practices so all you need to do is practice and in no time you will be beating ****.
Hope this helps.

Q: The payroll staff is a huge problem!! They do some peoples' but not others. They always should check their work.

A: Well if they have put the wrong amount of snidges more than twice then tell TC if they SHOULD BE FIRED!!
Hope this helps

Q:Dear Problem Paula
my friends are having a fight over something really small. I was trying to help my friends when one of them punched the other, its really annoying.

New Class (Building Stage 2)

By this time everyone was wondering when the class would be finished. The sound of drills and machinery was getting on our nerves (I think I'm slightly deafened). All of the trucks coming and going was making it really hard to concentrate. It rained a lot of the time so that slowed the whole process up.

By Erin(fection) L'Huillier Millar

Monday, August 3, 2009

Jim's worms :-P

Eeeww Worms Galore One wet day Jim saw Worms!!!
He wanted to save them as you can see.
He managed to save a LOT of worms.

He did an A-MA-ZING job and he got to have some fun saving worms!
SO for all your bug problems go to BUG MAN (Jim)
By Hannah