Monday, June 9, 2014

The New Craze

Crazy looms or rainbow looms are what everyone wears, makes and buy billions of crazy looms and rainbow looms.  Which ones do they prefer?  Rainbow looms or crazy looms.

Eleven people think crazy looms and rainbow looms are the same thing.
Four people think rainbow looms are the best.
Zero people think crazy looms are the best.


  1. I think that crazy looms are in right now so it is cool how you did a sigmint adate crazy looms

    jaime :)

  2. Nice Hannah that was a cool topic on crazy looms i liked how you went and asked people question
    about if they are the same or if the crazy looms are more stretcher i like it

    maybe next time take the photo a bit further away so we can see what the person is making.

  3. That was a cool post.
    The thing you could work on is to have a little more information.

  4. I think crazy looms and rainbow looms are the same.

  5. I've go a huge, Gigantic set at home.
