Thursday, August 13, 2009

Problem Paula

Q: Dear PP
I am starting to get rather annoyed when my friends are fighting and arguing. I feel horrible and guilty when I never am. What should I do?

A: Well there is not much you can do. If they do not stop fighting when you tell them to stop then tell someone you trust. I know its not a good feeling when your friends fight .
Hope this helps.

Q: Dear Problem Paula
We need more accountants because Malachi and I always get only 10 minutes of shopping on market days because one of us has to go in the bank to supervise the other accountants.
Every Friday the bank gets really hard so please help. We really need more accountants.

A: I know you now have more accountants but....... you may not really have more breaks. If the bank gets busy there will need to be more staff on but I hope for your sake it does not get too busy.
Make an advertisement maybe??
Hope this helps.


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